Book Publishing Partner for Entrepreneurs

Meet Your Book Partner

I’m Jodi, a 20-year veteran of the book publishing industry.

I’ve brought my knowledge to the entrepreneurial space to help business owners
write books, speak the language of book publishing, and successfully market their books.


Why? Because it can be a confusing and overwhelming task — sometimes.

For all the benefits a book can bring to your business, writing and bringing one to market is often easier said than done (and Google will only get you so far).

That’s where I come in. Whether you have the seed of a book idea, a completed manuscript, or something in between, I can support you.

I’ve witnessed the rise of self-publishing and know how it enables business owners to maintain control over their product and schedule (not to mention keep more of their profits!). I’ve also seen that this model can be difficult to navigate alone. I’m here to help business owners make smart decisions about how to write, publish, and market their book.

 Nonfiction books are my jam. I love fiction for personal reading, but I have — from my very first day at my very first job in book publishing — focused on working with nonfiction authors. Helping business owners tell their stories in an impactful way in a business or personal development book is definitely my zone of genius. I understand the nuances involved with business owners writing nonfiction books, like the amount of research necessary, the importance of attributing sources correctly, the delicate balancing act that comes with sharing your story (think how much to include and when) and your clients’ stories, and how different book launching and marketing is for business owners.

The Fun Stuff

Now that we’ve gotten my qualifications out of the way, let’s talk about what you might be looking for in a book publishing partner.


Certified grammar nerd and an avid bookworm

I’m a certified grammar nerd and red pencil wielder, an avid bookworm, and a coffee mug hoarder — er, collector.

True confessions

Diagramming sentences in middle-school English class was my favorite.

A few of my favorite things

Come August, you’ll find me camped out at Staples, because back-to-school season means new and (un)necessary stationery and paper products.

Fall is my favorite season. Bonfires, hot apple cider, and my annual Cocktails + Carving party.

When I'm not working...

When I’m not working, you can find me hiking, reading on my back deck, kayaking with my hubby, visiting a winery or brewery with my girlfriends, volunteering locally, or finding new ways to be the world’s #1 aunt.

Are you hosting a workshop, retreat, summit, or event for business owners? Here are some topics I can speak about to your group:


Using a Book to Serve Your Business

Choosing the Right Path to Publication for Your Book

Self-Publishing Success for Business Owners

Are we a perfect match or what?

See how we can work together here.