Episode 5.2: Book Metadata: Book Publishing Glossary

Metadata is hugely, hugely important for your book, because metadata is not only is it telling readers what your book is about — how to classify it — but maybe even more importantly than that, it's telling book buyers and librarians where your book goes in their bookstore or library, which, of course, is important to you, if you plan to sell your book in those places.

So what do we mean by metadata? What kind of data about data are we talking about? This is going to be a sampling of things that are included in metadata.

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Episode 4.11: Book Publishing Contract Basics

One thing you will encounter often during your book writing and publishing process is a contract, and probably more than one. In this Write.Publish.Market. podcast, Jodi is walking you through all the different types of contracts you’ll encounter and what boilerplate language to be on the look out for.

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Episode 4.10: Nonfiction Book Research 101

There are two key points when it comes to book research that Jodi advises her one-on-one book coaching clients so that they don't get tripped up.

  1. Remember you’re the expert

  2. You want the research to support your points, not the other way around.

Tune in as Jodi dives into these two key points. She also gets into some of the actual how-to, tactical pieces of the research element.

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Episode 4.2: Book Backmatter

When Jodi is talking about backmatter, she is talking about things at the back of the book. That’s how backmatter got its name — not too complex of a concept there. We’re talking about all of those things that follow after the text itself. Your backmatter might include indexes, appendices, endnotes, a bibliography, additional resources for your readers. Now, your book might have some of these. Your book might not have some, or you might have a combination of these things.

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AllieDanae WalkerComment
Episode 3.11: About the Author-Entrepreneurs Lab

Today’s episode of the Write.Publish.Market Podcast is going to be a little bit different than what you’re used to, if you are a regular listener. Instead of digging in deep to one aspect of the book writing/book publishing/book marketing world, Jodi going to peel back the curtain a little bit on the Author-Entrepreneurs Lab, her mentorship-membership program for business owners who want to write a book to serve their business.

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